System and Structure

2020 saw the introduction of self-imposed restrictions in my screen printing with the exploration of the variety of outcomes which might be achieved using a simple grid of dots as a starting point. The work was made in series, with no two prints being the same.

The ‘Contradiction Contained’ series (pictured above) sets out to juxtapose the painterly application of ink with the static format of a grid of dots.

Others in this body of work include: the series ‘Anti Stasis’, which explores the effect of mixing the static grid format with an irregular arrangement of dots; the series ‘Displacement’, which sees the effect of overlaying grids as well as the removal of some of the dots; the ‘Animation’ series examines the effect of interfering with the dot shape as an alternative way of creating a sense of movement in the static format, further enhanced by a variety of colour overlays. The ‘Eye Candy’ series uses colour overlays to create a 3D effect within the static grid format. This work moved beyond the grid of dots format into the series ‘Constants and Variables’ in 2022.

These are all small prints on paper, ranging in size from 20cm square to 50cm square.

