Kathryn Fox is a UK based Fine Art trained artist with a practice embracing a range of media and processes. She has exhibited her work locally, nationally and internationally.

“Whether we are makers or viewers, art has the capacity to reveal insights into our cultural and social norms as well as our individual interior worlds. This is what I both seek and offer in my work.”

Drawn to pure abstraction, both as a viewer and creative, my current practice in making one-off screen prints is predominantly non-representational and intended to create a space for quiet reflection, operating at both an intellectual and sensory level. Process-led and frequently improvisational, works such as Dreamscape (above) and Anti Stasis (below) have their origins in the use of found or discarded materials and observations of the seemingly banal to produce an aesthetic that luxuriates in colourful overlays and bold shapes. I work on a variety of grounds and at varied scales.

Underpinning the work is my long-standing interest in language as a structure for thought and mode of expression - and the slippages that occur in its use as means of communication. In my formative training as a linguist and lawyer, I was accustomed to working closely with very varied semantic structures and addressing issues in translation and interpretation. This work has had some considerable bearing on my approach to visual art practice.

In my work I seek to expand modes of expression, whilst creating a sense of order. The titles of my work come last: they are intended to communicate something of my own understanding reached during the making of the work, whilst keeping its interpretation open for others. My hope is that the finished work engages both the senses and the intellect.